
Scarborough Arts’ 39th Annual Juried Exhibition

✨CALLING ALL EARTHSEEDS::Depart from reality. Go beyond the everyday machinations, and reveal the mutations of
Area X/Scarborough✨


$1500 - 1st place (x1 per category)
$750 - 2nd place (x1 per category)
$750 - Scarborough Arts Student Achievement Award* (x1)
Swag bag - Staff Pick Winners (x1 per category)

*Scarborough Arts Student Achievement Award: This prize is for a student of any age currently enrolled or planning to attend secondary school (9-12) or post-secondary school (university/college, etc.) in the 2024-25 academic year. When you submit your application for this category, please identify yourself as a Student, indicate your area of study, and your current year of study below.

The Student Achievement Award is generously supported by community donations.

This year’s AJE calls for work steeped in elements of speculative fiction to comment on the socio-political, economic, and cultural conditions of Scarborough today. Speculative fiction is a genre of fiction that encompasses works in which the setting is other than the real world, involving supernatural, futuristic, or other imagined elements.

Tell us how you experience an imagined Scarborough. From the aunties in Tim Horton’s brewing their daily morning potions, to the monstrous 401, or the robot workers building the Eglinton line - show us the magic of our community, and let us bear witness to the dystopia and boundless possibilities of Speculative::Skaṝ-broügĥ (Speculative Scarborough) 🪄

This year, Scarborough Arts is accepting submissions for the following categories:
🛸 Visual Arts
🛸 Literary Arts
🛸 Auditory Arts

Featured works will be selected by a panel of jurors.


Auditory Arts

Kevin Ramroop is an experimental musician, writer, and community arts facilitator from Scarborough. Shaped by the diverse migratorial history of his heritage and upbringing, his artistic pursuits are as multifaceted in medium as the cultures that inspire them - ultimately woven together through a lifelong focus on sound, storytelling, and community

Find him on Spotify, Metatron, and Bandcamp

Kevin Ramroop


Healthy Arts for Seniors


Scarborough Sign