About Scarborough Arts
We are one of Toronto’s six Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) mandated to serve the Scarborough region by offering inclusive, low-barrier and community-driven arts and cultural programming and services. We prioritize equity-seeking groups and serve children, youth, adults, seniors and families from a broad demographic spectrum.
We bring artists to the community and community to the arts.
Our programs are free or low-cost, and offer artistic and creative industry development.
Scarborough Arts, a not-for-profit charitable organization, serves the Scarborough community by developing, delivering, and promoting innovative arts programming and cultural initiatives in collaboration and partnership with the community.
Our Core Values
Creativity and Expression
We believe that art is a powerful tool that can change lives.
Inclusion and Accessibility
We present programs throughout Scarborough that strive to meet the needs of all our community members.
We continually explore new ideas and challenges.
We have a respected 40 years history of financial and community responsibility.
Our members come from various walks of life and cultural backgrounds.
What We Do
Are you an artist or arts collective who wants to tap into a broader network of artists in Scarborough?
Are you in an organization or collective that might be interested in partnering with Scarborough Arts?
Do you live in Scarborough and want to participate in arts programs near you?
Do you live in Scarborough and want to see more arts and cultural programming in your local neighbourhood?
Do you have a creative concept or idea that will benefit the community and want to know where to start?
Would you like to receive updates about local arts events, festivals, classes, and other artistic opportunities?
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities?
If so, connect with us!
Our History
Scarborough Arts is a community arts organization serving Scarborough with programs and services that support artistic growth and foster a culturally aware community. Founded in 1978, Scarborough Arts was established under the name Arts Scarborough, with operating grants from the City of Scarborough and the Ontario Arts Council to promote artistic growth in the community. A membership base was established and initial programs were built. A reassessment of the organization took place in the mid-80s, and by 1989, Arts Scarborough was redeveloped as the Scarborough Arts Council.
Scarborough Arts relocated to its current location at 1859 Kingston Road / Harrison Properties, a city-owned property, on the Scarborough Bluffs in 1992. Gallery space was created at this facility for the exhibition and sale of members work and has since developed to include exhibitions from non-members and partner organizations. Scarborough Arts has maintained a robust roster of programs for many years and places great emphasis on its partnerships with other exceptional community organizations. In 2010, the organization changed its name again to Scarborough Arts.
Scarborough Arts has served the community through the arts for over 42 years, and is dedicated to delivering fresh, community-driven and innovative programs and services that enhance the cultural life of Scarborough.
Scarborough Arts is one of six Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) in the City of Toronto. LASOs are mandated by the City of Toronto to serve a specific geographic area and provide inclusive and affordable opportunities for local residents, artists, and arts organizations, with a focus on underserved children, youth, and participants from a broad demographic spectrum. As anchor community arts organizations in Toronto, they promote the arts at the local level, making culture a part of the daily fabric of community living.
The five sister LASOs are: Arts Etobicoke, East End Arts, Lakeshore Arts, North York Arts, and UrbanArts.
Safe Space Policy
Scarborough Arts adheres to the City of Toronto’s Human Rights and Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy, and is dedicated to providing a safe space for people of all ethnicities, genders, abilities, ages, cultures, and sexualities, among other criteria. We have zero tolerance for harassment or discrimination of any kind in person or online including, but not limited to: racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, classism, using discriminatory language, actions or behaviors, bullying and/or threats to a person’s safety and well-being, among others.
To report an incident, or to learn more about Scarborough Arts’ Safe Space Policy, please speak with one of our staff members in-person, by phone at 416-698-7322, or via email at hello@scarborougharts.com.
We thank you in advance for working together with us in developing and maintaining a space that is welcoming, productive and, above all, a safe space for all who enter our doors and participate in our programming
Land Acknowledgment
The land in which Scarborough Arts is located has been the home of Indigenous people and Nations long before colonial documentation of time and is specifically the land of the Wendat, Anishnabek, Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Haudenosaunee. The territory of what is known today as Toronto is under the One Dish, One Spoon Wampum belt, a peace treaty between the Haudenosaunee and the Anishinaabek, and is a mutual agreement between nations for sharing land and resources. The territories that encompass Toronto, as well, are under a number of Treaties including Treaty 13, and in Scarborough specifically the Williams Treaties. There have been many Indigenous names and words associated with this place, and today, Scarborough is home to a multitude of Indigenous people, languages, and cultures from around the world.
We as an organization are composed of people from various walks of life. All of us at Scarborough Arts encourage you to support and advocate for Indigenous people and communities, everywhere. In Canada, specifically, this can look like many things; such as actively returning land, rejecting government legislation that violates the rights of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people, denouncing colonial histories within institutions, ending violence against Indigenous women, Two-Spirit, and girls, donating money to Indigenous youth groups, and any actions that genuinely support the wellbeing and success of Indigenous people, everywhere.
Black Lives Matter
Scarborough Arts acknowledges that not all members of our community have come to this land willingly, especially those of whom were brought here unwillingly as a result of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery. We pay tribute to those ancestors of African origin and descent.
We as an organization hold ourselves accountable to, and encourage our white and non-Black members of our community to advocate for, learn about, and immediately end anti-Black racism and oppression in any form. Scarborough Arts stands in solidarity specifically with our Black community members, and Black people around the world.
Art can be a powerful tool for change, but so too does there need to be evident societal change on the parts of non-Black and white people. Ways for white and non-Black people to elicit change is to commit to ending anti-Black racism and racism on the personal and institutional level.
We implore you to support the overall wellbeing, success, and lives of Black people and communities, always. In Scarborough and the GTA specifically, there is a multitude of tools and resources that can be accessed to continue this necessary work. Please see below for some resources, organizations to support, and donation options.
Every day, we as an organization stand in solidarity with Black people and communities, everywhere. Black Lives Matter, every day.